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Tannewitz J Table Saw - US $1,500.00 (Newark, Ohio)
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Item Information:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Ad Title: Tannewitz J Table Saw
Item Class: Woodworking Machinery
Item Type: Table Saw
Size: 16 inch
Manufactured By: Tannewitz Works
Price: US $1,500.00
Seller Type: Private Seller
Seller Member ID: bob abel
Item Location: Newark, Ohio
Ad Posting Date: 7/20/2024 11:39:39 AM
Ad Expiration Date: 8/20/2024 11:39:39 AM
Page Views: 474
Item Description:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

I have owned this saw for eight years and have gathered parts through many hours of drives.I was told when I bought this saw that it came from a furniture store in Greensboro N.C. and that the motor had been rewound can could be run by a VFD but have learned that it is 440 and would need a step up to run from single phase.I added 3 heavy casters that allow the saw to be pushed around with ease.I also have 3 36” bandsaws and need to sell all.As you can see from the photos everything on this saw is in great shape.I have put many hours on this saw.
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X Local Pickup
X Will Ship (Seller Arranges)
X Will Ship (Buyer Arranges)

Approximate Dimensions and Weight:
Length =
Width =
Height =
Weight = 1500 lbs.

If you have 3ph this saw should be ready to put to work.I believe this type j saw to be the best looking of the table saws.
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