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Martin T75 sliding table saw, Elsah, IL - US $5,500.00 (Elsah, Illinois)
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Item Information:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Ad Title: Martin T75 sliding table saw, Elsah, IL
Item Class: Woodworking Machinery
Item Type: Table Saw
Size: 55" x 98" x 32"
Manufactured By: Martin Machine Co.
Price: US $5,500.00
Seller Type: Private Seller
Seller Member ID: JBeck
Item Location: Elsah, Illinois
Ad Posting Date: 1/21/2019 8:25:29 PM
Ad Expiration Date: 2/21/2019 8:25:29 PM
Page Views: 1946
Item Description:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

Martin T75 sliding table saw, 6.6 hp, 8' stroke, scoring blade, with accessories, 2nd owner low use $30k new. Its a dream saw, I first bought this to help square up large table tops, then discovered other uses; straight line ripping, especially helpful with figured material, jointing veneer, sizing door panels. Cutting pencil post bed parts, tapered legs, mitering 2" x 10" Maple crown mold, precise splinter free cutting with scoring blade in plywood & solids
$5,500, pickup in Elsah, IL, 30 minutes from St. Louis, Mo

Due to a relocation I am selling all the machinery form my custom woodworking business, If interested I have more equipment available, email me for a list
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Shipping Details: 
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Shipping/Pickup Details:
Accept Type
Local Pickup
X Will Ship (Seller Arranges)
X Will Ship (Buyer Arranges)

Approximate Dimensions and Weight:
Length = 100"
Width = 60"
Height = 32"
Weight = 1500-1800

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