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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Tannewitz Works
Grand Rapids, MI; Jenison, MI

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Wood
Machine Size: 12" Swing/36"Between Centers
Submitted By: Jeff Behan
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Pattern Makers/ unknown
Date of Manufacturer: early 1900's
Serial Number: unknown
Last Updated 6/27/2007 12:00:00 AM

I acquired it at a public auction of a cabinet shop in Hagerstown,MD. on Tuesday June 19,
2007.This is a very rare Tannewitz machine as there has never been one seen before this one as far as I know.The old owner added a bed extension to give it 60" between centers.It came with the following tooling cross slide,two toolrest holders,4"-6"-12"-36"toolrest,2 1/2"-4"-8"faceplates.The lathe has a four step pulley inclosed in the cast iron headstock and a hand brake.You can also do outboard bowl turning.

Photo 1:

Comments: front view
Source: myself
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Photo 2:

Comments: four step pulley in headstock
Source: myself
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Photo 3:

Comments: back view
Source: myself
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