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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Sibley & Ware; Sibley Machine & Foundry Corp.
South Bend, IN

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size: 20"
Submitted By: Phil Arentz
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Sibley 20" Stationary-Head Drilling Machine
Date of Manufacturer: Estimate 1930s
Serial Number:
Last Updated 12/12/2006 7:30:12 PM

I got this drill press a few years ago from a nearby company that went out of business. A "freeby". I plan to restore it to it's former glory. Casting has "Sibley & Ware Southbend IND." and "PAT'D OCT 8, 1889". The US patent number is 412,677. There is an oval brass plate with the number 1147 riveted to the left side spindle arm. This may be the original owners inventory number. An aluminum tag nearby has the number 399. Looks to have the original paint and 99% intact. The guard was no doubt added later, maybe 1920's, and is fastened with square head nuts and bolts, no lock washers. Looks like the moter was originally mounted to the top of the guard. I have searched for a manual without luck so far.

(Admin update, 12Dec06: revised specs, Model is a 20" Stationary-Head Drilling Machine with wheel and lever feed, belt power feed and automatic stop. Ref. 1930 catalog #60 page 6.)

Photo 1:

Comments: Sibley & Ware Drill Press
Source: Phil Arentz
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Photo 2:

Comments: Inventory Tags?
Source: Phil Arentz
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Photo 3:

Comments: Top Gears
Source: Phil Arentz
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