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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
C. O. Porter Machinery Co.
Grand Rapids, MI

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Jointer
Machine Size: 6 "
Submitted By: David Burnett
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: "The Porter"
Date of Manufacturer: circa 1925
Serial Number:
Last Updated 8/22/2024 5:26:25 PM

Colorado never had a large furniture manufacturing base--making the discovery of old iron machines a rarity. This remains the case--as this Porter jointer is badged from the University of California system--making it's way East at some point in time. As the story goes...you go to an older gentleman's garage to buy one thing and notice a pile of apparently dissimilar parts in the corner...piecing them together in your head and inquiring if he'd like to get rid of the old heap. This jointer survived with all parts--minus one dust panel for the motor and the stem-and-cam contraption that would--according to the marketing material--allow you to lug this 500 pound machine around the shop floor. Restoration to working condition was straight forward--removal of layers of paint and lead filler, repaint a respectable color, new wiring, new knives and shimming the infeed/outfeed .005 on one side--and she sprung back to life.

Photo 1:

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Photo 2:

Comments: evidently you need a 10" wide table for a 6" jointer.
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Photo 3:

Comments: handy-dandy flip-down guard
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Photo 4:

Comments: escaped 3 phase butchery--single phase direct drive
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