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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Tannewitz Works
Grand Rapids, MI; Jenison, MI

True Manufacturer:
Tannewitz Works, Grand Rapids, MI; Jenison, MI
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 36" band saw
Submitted By: Roger Bickers
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Tannewitz 36"
Date of Manufacturer: 1892 ish
Serial Number:
Last Updated 9/24/2023 1:45:37 AM

Spent its life in a paper mill practically Unused!I acquired the saw from the guy who got it out of the paper mill prior to its being tore down, the top wheels tire is original cloth, break is push pull with sacrificial wood to rub bottom wheel, guides are Paddock (not original) guards well made though not original, motors 6hp.. after extensive searching, ive only known of two of these sawsleft until about 3 yrs ago when the other fell over in a move and broke the frame. The only other image I can fins is an early black & white post card online. Babbit is like new and neither whell has any runout. Etchings on both tables is remarkable.

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Comments: Aluminum wheel tilt lever is undamaged
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