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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Tannewitz Works
Grand Rapids, MI; Jenison, MI

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size:
Submitted By: William Thomas
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: long stub arbor for Tannewitz U table saw
Date of Manufacturer: ???
Serial Number:
Last Updated 12/23/2005 11:15:16 AM

I recently aquired a long arbor to fit my Tannewitz U table saw so that I could use dado blades on it. When it arrived I was amazed to find that it is designed to take cutters up to an incredible four inches wide. Yow! that's a lot of dado capacity. To bring this arbor into a usable capacity, I bought a 3" long shaft coupler from MSC. The coupler has a 1" bore and a 2" O.D. and acts as a spacer. The dado set in the pictures is 10" in diameter and 3/4" wide.

Photo 1:

Comments: Tannewitz long arbor 1" diameter
Source: Bill Thomas
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Photo 2:

Comments: long and short arbors
Source: Bill Thomas
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Photo 3:

Comments: long arbor set up in saw with 3/4" dado and 3" spacer
Source: Bill Thomas
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