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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Do-All (Continental Machine Specialties Co.)
Minneapolis, MN; Savage, MN; Des Plaines, IL

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 18" Throat BS
Submitted By: Larry Cooke
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: JD
Date of Manufacturer: 193? to 194?
Serial Number: 2437365
Last Updated 11/1/2015 12:01:49 AM

We (my son and I) bought this from a retired worker from Komatsu's Proving Grounds, this was moved from Peoria IL to AZ and the saw was decommissioned approximately 10 years ago (2005) and sat unused since then. We intend to take it apart and clean/restore to use again.

Photo 1:

Comments: Sellers Ad Photo
Source: Seller
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Machine Tag
Source: My Camera
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IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: Front Cover
Source: My Camera
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IMG Code

Photo 4:

Comments: Loaded in our truck
Source: My Camera
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IMG Code