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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co.
Downer's Grove, IL; Chicago Heights, IL; Great Lakes, IL

True Manufacturer:
Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co., Downer's Grove, IL; Chicago Heights, IL; Great Lakes, IL
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size: 16"
Submitted By: Larry Hampton
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Floor model; Royal 16 23 A
Date of Manufacturer: 1930s?
Serial Number: 16-18658
Last Updated 4/2/2014 11:16:43 AM

This came to the previous owner in Denver from his father-in-law. No other history. It is quite heavy. I have not fiddled with it beyond plugging it in, and it appears to be in working condition. There is lots of gray paint covering the entire motor, and the motor info tag is not to be found. I'll carefull remove the paint when its time comes. I do not know if the 16 23 A is a model number, but it is stamped onto the stand. This company made drill presses from long ago, many manual post models.

Photo 1:

Comments: 3/4 frontal view
Source: my D200
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Photo 2:

Comments: Table is pretty well scarred up, but at least I got this little vise with the DP.
Source: my D200
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Photo 3:

Comments: Plenty of rust.
Source: My Nikon D200
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Photo 4:

Comments: Useful info on the badge.
Source: my D200
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Photo 5:

Comments: Note the nifty switch mechanism, which I suppose is shop-built, but I will keep it.
Source: My D200
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