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1962 Delta Rockwell Drill Press - US $100.00 (Jacksonville, Florida)
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Item Information:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Ad Title: 1962 Delta Rockwell Drill Press
Item Class: Woodworking Machinery
Item Type: Drill Press
Size: Floor stand
Manufactured By: Delta Specialty/Delta Mfg. Co./Delta-Rockwell/Rockwell Intl.
Price: US $100.00
Seller Type: Private Seller
Seller Member ID: WattFreq
Item Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Ad Posting Date: 5/15/2013 4:27:56 PM
Ad Expiration Date: 6/15/2013 4:27:56 PM
Page Views: 1537
Item Description:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

1962 Delta Rockwell Drill Press

Serial #117-3377

I bought this 1962 Delta-Rockwell drill press and a 1930's Craftsman Planer a while back to restore, I did restore the Craftsman planer but I ended up getting sick before I was able to do anything with the drill press other than clean it up a tiny bit.

It runs good, the start capacitor on the motor is bad so I have to spin the shaft by hand to spin it up, then she purrs right along. She needs lots of TLC.

I paid $250 when I bought it, but I just want to find someone who will take over the job of restoring her.

I would like to get $100 (sorry, not able to ship it, person to person pick-up only)

Thanks for looking!

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Shipping/Pickup Details:
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Local Pickup
X Will Ship (Seller Arranges)
X Will Ship (Buyer Arranges)

Approximate Dimensions and Weight:
Length =
Width =
Height =
Weight =

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