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Acme 2c edge sander - US $200.00 (Mullica hill, Nj)
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Item Information:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Ad Title: Acme 2c edge sander
Item Class: Woodworking Machinery
Item Type: Sander
Size: 2-1/4 x80 belt
Manufactured By: Acme Equipment Co.
Price: US $200.00
Seller Type: Private Seller
Seller Member ID: Jodehillman
Item Location: Mullica hill, Nj
Ad Posting Date: 5/17/2022 11:23:56 AM
Ad Expiration Date: 6/17/2022 11:23:56 AM
Page Views: 300
Item Description:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

This is an acme edge sander model 2c . It was using my father's commercial cabinet shop. After he passed I loaned it to a friend who tried to rewire the motor for 110. Well he burned it up. The Sander is complete but it needs a new motor. I price the replacement from Harbor freight about a year ago and it was $325. I am sure it is slightly more expensive now. But the machine is complete and is in running condition other than the motor. Extra belts will go with the machine.

It is a great candidate for restoration .
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