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Oliver 270D Restored - US $3,500.00 (auburn, Washington)
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Item Information:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Ad Title: Oliver 270D Restored
Item Class: Woodworking Machinery
Item Type: Table Saw
Size: large
Manufactured By: Oliver Machinery Co.
Price: US $3,500.00
Seller Type: Private Seller
Seller Member ID: countspongebob
Item Location: auburn, Washington
Ad Posting Date: 11/13/2021 1:40:13 AM
Ad Expiration Date: 12/13/2021 1:40:13 AM
Page Views: 777
Item Description:
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

I just acquired a K700 Felder sliding saw for my shop, and it is very big, so sadly I need to find a good new home for the Oliver 270D I bought from Shane years ago. It's in as good a shape as when I bought it from him, only a bit older and more special. It's had hobby use only, the only change is that it comes with a VFD, but of course I kept the switch box if that's your preference.

It has both the regular and the micro adjust fence and the slot miter as in these pics.

I'm asking $3500 but am open to offers. The saw is in my home shop in Auburn WA, and you are welcome to come make sawdust with it if you are interested.

Here's Shane's excellent thread on the saw, I can't say it better than he can. Am reposting one of his saw photos here, as his studio-foo is stronger than mine.

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X Will Ship (Seller Arranges)
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Approximate Dimensions and Weight:
Length = 48
Width = 48
Height = 40
Weight = 1200

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