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Machine Serial Number Registry
Manufactured By:
South Bend Lathe Works
South Bend, IN

Registry Detail
Machine Information
Serial Number: 9395TKL
Machine Type: Lathe
Machine Description: 13in SB that was in the Seattle public schools
Owner: Bud Fleury
Manufacture Date: 1962
Notes: Source=owner’s submission (admin added date based on s/n). Owner’s notes: I bought this from two guys that made go carts and said that they bought it from an auction from Seattle Public Schools. I also went there and used the same lathe in the 1960’s. I bought for $1100 in 2002. Some how my cross feed screw got bent just a touch, totally usable but would like to see if I can find one. It’s cast iron so I don’t want to attempt to straighten it if there aren’t any around. It is well used but works fine for what I need it for. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks
Machine Picture
Machine Photo