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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
American Wood Working Machinery Co.
Rochester, NY; Williamsport, PA; Montgomery, PA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Molder
Machine Size: 4" x 12"
Submitted By: Don H
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: American 505 12" moulder
Date of Manufacturer: 1915?
Serial Number: 524042 (View SN Registry Entry)
Last Updated 8/30/2012 11:30:35 PM

Acquired from Whitehouse-Crawford Co., Walla-Walla. Currently awaiting re-installation of it's lineshafting and modifications to our dust collection system. Machine supplied a full inventory of patterns for a major planing mill from about 1915 to 1987. Additionally, produced curved work, gutter, tub stock, and bearings for farm implements. Machine retains it's original wrenches, jointers, hold downs, additional matcher side heads, and it's entire knife collection.

Machine running: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWzoBOdYfDM&feature=plcp

Photo 1:

Comments: operator's side
Source: owner
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Photo 2:

Comments: the milling department
Source: owner
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Photo 3:

Comments: feedworks, covers off
Source: owner
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Photo 4:

Comments: some of the slotted knives for the moulder, spikes not shown
Source: owner
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Photo 5:

Comments: jointer for top head
Source: owner
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Photo 6:

Comments: original set up wrench makes all adjustments
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