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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Boice-Crane Co.
Toledo, OH, then Gothenburg, NE, Chula Vista, CA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Sander
Machine Size:
Submitted By: M Toupin
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: 2031
Date of Manufacturer: 1950s???
Serial Number: 8 19387
Last Updated 6/29/2019 7:41:52 PM

I picked this one up at a school auction . I'd guess it's about a 1950 vintage but I'm not sure. This poor thing was in really bad shape. I completely disassembled it, sandblasted, repainted & replaced all the bearings.

Th spindles use a MT1 end. A MT1 X 1/2" end mill arbor with ground rod make satisfactory replacements. Both 9" and 4 1/2" replacement drums are readily available. I made a set of both 9" and 4 1/2" spindles and drums. The 4 1/2" get used 90% if the time and save a lot on abrasives.

Drive shaft ball bearing (called a “water pump bearing”) - NSK 885141
Drive shaft seal - TCM part 06112TB-H
Spindle shaft bearings - Nachi 6204 LL

The machine specs call for a 2-1/2" diameter motor pulley, and a 1725 RPM motor, which runs the spindle at 2250 rpm. This is true throughout the production-life of the OSS, whether Boice-Crane, Wilton-Boice-Crane, or Gothenburg-Boice-Crane.
CV boots from the following vehicles can be made to work satisfactorily with a little trimming.

1980-1990 Audi 80,90,100,4000,5000
1985-1988 BMW 524,528,535,635,M5,M6
1985-1993 Volkswagen Cabriolet
1985-1992 Volkswagen Golf, Jetta
1983-1988 Volkswagen Quantum
1984-1988 Volkswagen Scirocco
1986-1992 Volkswagen Vanagon

Photo 1:

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Photo 2:

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Photo 3:

Comments: With spindle storage, dust collection and storage drawers added to open base
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