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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Hoefer Manufacturing Co.
Freeport, IL

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size: 6 ft tall, 850 lbs
Submitted By: John Hoefer
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: flat belt early 1900's
Date of Manufacturer: early 1900's
Serial Number: 114
Last Updated 10/20/2007 9:36:32 AM

This was acquired through an eBay sale from upstate New York in August 2007. I grew up in Freeport, Illinois and my grandfather worked as a machinist for his brothers who owned the factory. Presently I would like to restore the machine as much a possible - my original plan was to donate it to a suitable entity in Freeport for permanaent display.

Photo 1:

Comments: standing machine
Source: John N. Hoefer
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: top of machine
Source: John N. Hoefer
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IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: closeup of name
Source: John Hoefer
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IMG Code