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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Brackett Machinery Co.
Lancaster, WI; Madison, WI

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Mortising Machine
Machine Size: 1/2 hp
Submitted By: Tim Schubeck
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Model H
Date of Manufacturer: 1916
Serial Number: 589
Last Updated 9/24/2007 4:20:45 PM

These are updated pictures of my bracket morticer, finished restoration last weekend. While undergoing the teardown, I found paper used as shim stock between the guide plates that hold the sliding head. The paper was cut from a post card reading:
Suelflohn & Seefeld Co.
Dealers in
Heavy hardware, Iron, Steel, Wood wo(rks?)
Horse Shoers' Supplies Automobile Accessories

45 to 53 Second Street Milwaukee

Our Mr. Chas. Schneider will be contacting you on Sept 24

I assume maybe the dealer that sold the machine did the setup using some scrap paperwork, or perhaps the owner used the notification card as shim stock. I was unable to find any other information about this company.

The machine has the original GE 1/2 hp motor which, after removing mud wasp nests, still works great. There was very little wear to any of the moving parts. machine castings were sandblasted and primed before painting Smoke Grey, with Black details. The chisel, after cleaning up, reads Millers Falls. Because the foot pedal was crooked (see original before picture), I had to fabricate a connecting strap to center the spring over the petal. The original setup was a cobbled up clamp and bolt which twisted the foot.

Photo 1:

Comments: finished restoration
Source: Tim Schubeck (owner)
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Photo 2:

Comments: close up of motor and quill
Source: Tim Schubeck (owner)
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Photo 3:

Comments: dirty paper found in machine used as shim stock
Source: Tim Schubeck (owner)
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