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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Delta Specialty/Delta Mfg. Co./Delta-Rockwell/Rockwell Intl.
Milwaukee, WI; Jackson, TN; Tupelo, MS

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Sander
Machine Size: 6 X 48
Submitted By: Tim Leistico
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Delta Model 1400 AFM
Date of Manufacturer: 1945 - November
Serial Number: 40-2415
Last Updated 8/15/2007 12:31:43 PM

C-list ad in SJ. Called the seller, yep still available. Seller stated he got this machine along with a 12" disk sander and wood lathe when he purchased an entire machine shop from an estate sale 3 or 4 years back. He hadn't used it. Appeared not have been used. When I got it back to the ranch and went through it- Yep, NO preceivable wear. The blanchard grinding marks still show on the table and the platen. Factory paint still on the drums. No sawdust. NO DUST in any of the joints. Delta 8 1/2" frame ri motor w/original cord and # 1115 switch. Bearings squeeky. What would one expect from sitting around for 60+ years? The 1/2" serial no. badge. Yep, made in Milwaukee. Thanks to all who have come before me!

Photo 1:

Comments: clist ad - my favorite Delta badge
Source: clist
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Photo 2:

Comments: At home - No wear - no sawdust?
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