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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Chase Turbine Manufacturing Co.
West Concord, VT: Orange, MA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size: unknown
Submitted By: Robert Bernstein
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: setworks dial from Chase sawmill
Date of Manufacturer: unknown
Serial Number: none apparent
Last Updated 1/4/2015 1:47:02 PM

I believe I found this setworks dial, or 'face,' from a circular saw mill rig in the Town of Lincoln dump in the 1980's. I saved it then and have it still, approximately twenty years later.

Cast into the apparatus is the note, 'Pat'd April 26, 1881.' A search of patents on this date show a patent for this apparatus for Denison Chase, of Orange, Massachusetts, for 'Set Works for Saw Mills,' patent 240,659. This was for the Chase mill, a popular New England saw mill.

If some one call tell me how to do so I will upload the drawing from the patent showing this face.

Photo 1:

Comments: overall of face
Source: R. Bernstein
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Photo 2:

Comments: detail
Source: R. Bernstein
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Photo 3:

Comments: Patent Drawing
Source: VM Historian
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