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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
West Side Iron Works (J. Jackoboice)
Grand Rapids, MI

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 36" 5hp
Submitted By: James Page
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Line Shaft Drive
Date of Manufacturer: 1890's
Serial Number:
Last Updated 3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM

I had been looking for a 20" bandsaw or larger for a while and this saw came up on e--y. There was no Mgf. given in the description but said 36" Bandsaw 3ph 5hp. I paid $610. just about a year ago. My wife and I drove to Louisville,Ky to pich
k up the Saw.
The same seller was selling a Crescent 14" TS and the B.M. Root boring machines ( I'll do these later.)
The picture with me in it shows the height of 8'-5" I stand 6'-1" I dont have the Iron table for it. The saw came out of a ladder factory in Mich. There was an aluminum 3/4" plate for a table and a 1/3hp power feeder on it.So any help on a table would be appreciated.

Photo 1:

Comments: 1/2 of me with the Bandsaw ready to take off straps
Source: My lovely wife's camara
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Photo 2:

Comments: Line shaft drive converted to 3belt 5hp
Source: This one I took
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Photo 3:

Comments: Nice cast letters and upper wheel
Source: Me again- My daughter resized
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