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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Delta Specialty/Delta Mfg. Co./Delta-Rockwell/Rockwell Intl.
Milwaukee, WI; Jackson, TN; Tupelo, MS

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Table Saw
Machine Size: 10"
Submitted By: Steve Pettinger
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Unisaw
Date of Manufacturer: 1944
Serial Number: 32-208 (View SN Registry Entry)
Last Updated 3/9/2025 5:23:16 PM

I won't bore you with the restoration details. Lots of other postings have great details of the process. I wasn't able to save the old fence. It wasn't the original and the fence and both tube rails were visibly bent. The things that are unique about this saw are the dust clean out cover, switch box, motor cover, and tool caddy. I didn't want to cut or drill any holes in the cabinet so the parts I made are attached with the original mounting holes. The dust cover is made of 3/8" plywood with an embedded magnet on top to hold it shut. The hole doubles as a handle and a port to insert my shop vac for a little extra dust control. The switch box is made of 3/4" plywood and angled at 22 degrees to give clearance to the elevation crank. It's mounted from inside the cabinet with wood screws and fender washers and extends out about 10" to allow shut off with my right leg. The motor cover bracket is mounted using the existing holes intended for the original goose egg motor cover. The new cover, made of plywood, hangs on top of the bracket. Finally, the tool caddy, also made of plywood, hangs on the rails and holds the T-square, fence, push sticks, saw blades, and misc. items. The motor badge was not readable at all so I just painted it red. The power cord is intentionally left short to keep the plug-in connection (tripping hazard) off the floor. The dark cover under the angle gauge is a magnetized flexible sheet for dust control.

Photo 1:

Comments: Unisaw w/Biesemeyer "Home Shop Saw Fence".
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Photo 2:

Comments: Acquired condition.
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Photo 3:

Comments: Trunion view.
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Photo 4:

Comments: Custom switch box view.
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Photo 5:

Comments: Serial tag on rear of table.
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Photo 6:

Comments: Motor cover mount.
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