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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
South Bend Lathe Works
South Bend, IN

True Manufacturer:
South Bend Lathe Works, South Bend, IN
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Metal
Machine Size: 10” Swing 3’ 6” Bed
Submitted By: Alex Monter
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: South Bend 10k
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number:
Last Updated 2/11/2025 4:29:06 AM

I bought this machine shortly after buying a Clausing Mini Mill from a museum, that same museum just so happened to have a South Bend 10k for sale that was donated to them, they were not using the machine and had it for sale. The machine came with a 3 and 4 jaw chuck and a Palmgren Milking attachment. It did not come with any sort of tool post and the cross slide bushing was damaged to I had to pull some parts from my South Bend 9A that’s not in service due to space limitations and needing a ton of work. Overall the machine was on okay shape but it was likely a school machine based on all the crash marks on the compound.

Photo 1:

Comments: Front angle
Source: Phone camera
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Photo 2:

Comments: Fiber glass covers on the left side
Source: Phone camera
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Photo 3:

Comments: Carriage and compound
Source: Phone camera
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Photo 4:

Comments: Quick change gearbox data plate
Source: Phone camera
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Photo 5:

Comments: Replaced electrical with proper conduit
Source: Phone camera
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Photo 6:

Comments: Lathe at the museum before I bought it.
Source: Phone camera
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