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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Boxford; Denfords Engineering Co., Ltd.
Halifax, England

True Manufacturer:
Boxford; Denfords Engineering Co., Ltd., Halifax, England
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Metal
Machine Size: 4.5" x 21"
Submitted By: John Vannisselroy
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Model "A"
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number:
Last Updated 2/10/2025 2:59:36 AM

I was recently told about an old lathe, in a shed, behind an abandoned house. It is said the house has been unoccupied for 30 years. I was asked to take a look at it to see if it had any value other than scrap.
It looked a terrible mess with surface rust, and the deeper rust in the tray (which I suspect had filled with water from time to time, due to leaks in the roof). I figured it's condition was a gamble as it would depend entirely on the depth of rust on the ways, as to whether it was worth restoration. As such, it's value was the value of the scrap steel.
My wife made it very clear that I was NOT to make an offer (I have enough machines awaiting completion). However a friend, in consultation with his son, decided to take it on.
We picked it up today (Monday, 9th February, 2025).
It has the optional screw cutting gearbox (so no messing with change gears), and it's imperial (so ideal for making parts for our English woodworking machines).

Photo 1:

Comments: My first view of the lathe, sitting pecariously on the rotting floor of the shed.
Source: My photograph.
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Photo 2:

Comments: View showing the amount of detrius and rust in the tray.
Source: My photograph.
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Photo 3:

Comments: Being lifted out be loaded onto my trailer.
Source: My photograph.
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Photo 4:

Comments: 45 minutes later sitting on terra firma in my friend's garage (the tailstock was still in the boot of my car when the photo was taken).
Source: My photograph.
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