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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
South Bend Lathe Works
South Bend, IN

True Manufacturer:
South Bend Lathe Works, South Bend, IN
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Metal
Machine Size: 15" x 6'
Submitted By: Kelly Boltz
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Southbend Lathe Co.
Date of Manufacturer: 1916-1918
Serial Number: 13891 (View SN Registry Entry)
Last Updated 10/10/2024 2:02:56 PM

My boss has owned for approximately 20 years and never used it. So he's making room in his shop and has me selling it.

Photo 1:

Comments: 1916-1918 Southbend Lathe
Source: Kelly Boltz
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Southbend Lathe 1916-1918 Drive
Source: Kelly Boltz
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IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: Southbend Lathe 1916-1918 Gear change
Source: Kelly Boltz
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IMG Code

Photo 4:

Comments: Southbend Lathe 1916-1918 serial number
Source: Kelly Boltz
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IMG Code

Photo 5:

Comments: Southbend Lathe 1916-1918 compound rest & auto apron
Source: Kelly Boltz
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IMG Code

Photo 6:

Comments: Southbend lathe 1916-1918 tail stock
Source: Kelly Boltz
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IMG Code