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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Walker-Turner Co., Inc.
Jersey City, NJ; Plainfield, NJ

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 12"
Submitted By: Jim Hamm
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: 3110 12" Bandsaw
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number: 0000095
Last Updated 10/8/2024 8:59:54 PM

Unknown history - picked up off of Facebook marketplace

Photo 1:

Comments: Front
Source: Jim Hamm
Direct Link
IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Back
Source: Jim Hmm
Direct Link
IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: Open
Source: Jim Hamm
Direct Link
IMG Code

Photo 4:

Comments: Lower
Source: Jim Hamm
Direct Link
IMG Code

Photo 5:

Comments: Upper
Source: Jim Hamm
Direct Link
IMG Code

Photo 6:

Comments: serial Plate
Source: Jim Hamm
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IMG Code