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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Irvington Machine Works
Grand Rapids, MI; Portland, OR

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Table Saw
Machine Size:
Submitted By: Reuben Deumling
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Floor Swing Cut-Off Saw
Date of Manufacturer: pre-1930
Serial Number:
Last Updated 9/15/2024 9:55:42 PM

This is only the second one of these to show up here. I would love to know more about this machine: its history, literature about it, intended uses, description of missing parts, etc.
Found in Portland Oregon, only a few miles from the Irvington Machine Works street address.
Some modifications and repairs have been done over the century or so of this machines’s life: different motor, repair to right side frame member below the table, missing cross cut fences.
Another addition to the Made-in-Oregon collection
These Floor mounted swing saws seem to have been a specialty of Arthur de Koning’s, as he received no less than three patents for versions of these, starting with a wood-framed No. 2 for which a patent was granted Jan 4, 1921. Two subsequent patents, both awarded in 1930, describe versions much closer to the present saw, with the one granted October 21, 1930 being a very close match to the internal architecture of this saw.

Photo 1:

Comments: front view of table, fence, and pedal
Source: me
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Photo 2:

Comments: 3/4 view left front
Source: me
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Photo 3:

Comments: large iron wheels at back
Source: me
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Photo 4:

Comments: main pivot arm and motor plate
Source: me
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Photo 5:

Comments: grease instruction tag
Source: me
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Photo 6:

Comments: spring arm assembly at the back
Source: me
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