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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Century Electric Co.
St. Louis, MO

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Combo Machine
Machine Size:
Submitted By: Heather Chambers
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Century Electric Co. Motor/Air compressor CS 8-108694-01 1/4 HP H56 frame
Date of Manufacturer: 8/1964
Serial Number: D8; CRN: MBIKA 64-39942
Last Updated 9/12/2024 11:58:55 AM

Well loved air compressor with century motor. Still airing up tires. Passed down from my grandfather who had an AC repair business to my dad and now me.

Photo 1:

Comments: Side view
Source: Myself
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Motor specs
Source: Myself
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IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: Registration specs
Source: Myself
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IMG Code