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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
South Bend Lathe Works
South Bend, IN

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Metal
Machine Size: 9" x 4'
Submitted By: Dave Lawson
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: CL244A
Date of Manufacturer: 29 Dec 1961
Serial Number: 48118NAR10
Last Updated 9/11/2024 1:13:26 PM

Was sold to Rudel Machinery in Montreal, QC, Canada, having been shipped to them on 26th January, 1962.
No record of to whom they sold it, however the second owner purchased it used in approximately 1994. Upon the owner's passing, his son put it up for sale and I purchased for CAD 1,800.
It now resides, as shown in photo, in St. Catharines, ON, Canada where it will be employed in 3-1/2" gauge model locomotive fabrication.

Photo 1:

Comments: As installed in current location.
Source: Dave Lawson (owner and photographer)
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Serial Card, Front
Source: Dave Lawson (owner and photographer)
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IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: Serial Card, Rear
Source: Dave Lawson (owner and photographer)
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IMG Code

Photo 4:

Comments: Lathe location in shop, alongside mini milling machine.
Source: Dave Lawson (owner and photographer)
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IMG Code