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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Parker-Kalon Corp.
New York, NY

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size: o.x.
Submitted By: Thomas Grant
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: common Parker Kalon
Date of Manufacturer: 1936
Serial Number: n/a
Last Updated 8/31/2024 12:46:52 PM

these are photos of the common Parker Kalon O.X. metal punch. It was basically unchanged from 1936 thru the early 60's. The instructions on the inside of the box changed over the years. This is not a complete list but just what i have in my collection. Notice the price for a replacement frame was 3.25$ in 1936. By 1947 the price was 7.00$. By 1951 they quit printing prices.

Photo 1:

Comments: box cover decal
Source: my collection
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Parker Kalon side one
Source: my collection
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Photo 3:

Comments: Parker Kalon side two
Source: my collection
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Photo 4:

Comments: Parker Kalon kit
Source: my collection
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Photo 5:

Comments: 1936 & 1947 instructions
Source: my collection
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Photo 6:

Comments: 1951 instructions
Source: my collection
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