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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Ellis Tool & Manufacturing Co.
El Monte, CA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size: 8 inch swing
Submitted By: Charlie Romeo
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Model C Double Swivel Dividing Head
Date of Manufacturer: unknown
Serial Number: C-1077
Last Updated 8/8/2024 2:56:21 PM

Acquired at a local estate sale for $35. It's missing the 24-hole direct indexing plate, but it did come with a 6-inch Buck precision adjustable 3-jaw chuck. I recently disassembled, cleaned, painted, and reassembled it. I had no idea of the original color of these so I painted it with VHT Titanium Silver Blue engine paint.

Photo 1:

Comments: Restored Condition
Source: Charlie R
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: As-Purchased Condition
Source: Charlie R
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IMG Code