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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Turner Machinery Co.
San Francisco, CA

True Manufacturer:
Turner Machinery Co., San Francisco, CA
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 42
Submitted By: Tom Slater
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Turner TSR-1
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number:
Last Updated 8/6/2024 1:51:30 PM

This saw was on CL, being sold by a custom milling business in Grass Valley, CA. It was supposed to be originally owned by the Diamond match company. The area historically had a lot of saw mills as well as gold mining until the 50's. This may have been employed to produce mine timbers or just ordinary lumber mill use. 20 horsepower motor, don't know if it's original to the machine.

Photo 1:

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Photo 2:

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