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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
McIlvanie Machine Works
Yakima, WA

True Manufacturer:
McIlvanie Machine Works, Yakima, WA
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size: 16"
Submitted By: John Germain
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: 538B0
Date of Manufacturer: unknown
Serial Number: 53080
Last Updated 8/7/2024 3:20:28 PM

I purchased this machine from the owners son in helping cleaning out his estate. The owner had this machine for close to 50 years the table is pristine has a wards motor and a step shaft for slower speed? also motor has reversing switch. I was contacted by the manufactures grandson inlaw and sold it to him.it was picked up by the son of the manufacture who worked in the foundry of the machine shop.

Photo 1:

Comments: close up of name
Source: by owner cell phone
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Photo 2:

Comments: as found in the wild
Source: john's cell phone
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Photo 3:

Comments: table
Source: john's cell phone
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Photo 4:

Comments: motor side
Source: john's cell phone
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Photo 5:

Comments: this is son of manufactur
Source: my phone
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