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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Norton Co.
Worcester, MA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Grinder, Bench
Machine Size: wheels 3x30 20 hp 3ph
Submitted By: John Powell
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Type S pedastal Grinder
Date of Manufacturer: unknown
Serial Number: cannot read
Last Updated 5/5/2006 12:23:38 AM

I bought this machine from a friend who had purchased some property and this was in the building. The people who were using the building left it for him because they did not move out in time and owed some rent money. He knew it was my kind of machine so he called me and I flew over to look at it . One look and I knew it was mine.I paid the unpaid rent and came back with my truck. I tried to lift it with my backhoe but the tires were too flat to steer it even though they were properly inflated . I had a 14000 lb. backhoe now I have larger one and forklift . It is a great heavy duty machine . The wheels are 5' apart to give you a scale , I always wanted a grinder that did not bog down and this is the one.If anyone knows any history on it I would be interested.

Photo 1:

Comments: front veiw
Source: My camera my shop
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