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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Boice-Crane Co.
Toledo, OH, then Gothenburg, NE, Chula Vista, CA

True Manufacturer:
Boice-Crane Co., Toledo, OH, then Gothenburg, NE, Chula Vista, CA
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Planer, Wood
Machine Size: 12"
Submitted By: Bill Moore
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Model 1000 Planer
Date of Manufacturer: 1955-56
Serial Number: 8097
Last Updated 4/1/2023 11:50:24 AM

Purchased locally from a shop that at one time manufactured high-end shutters. Seems to have been maintained pretty well as a few test cuts on maple and oak yielded great results. I have a disassembled belt-driven version of the same planer but when a working, direct drive version popped up locally, I knew I was in trouble. :)

One odd thing about this example? Unlike most/all Model 1000s I've seen documented here, someone on the factory line must have been asleep as this one has no stamped date. By comparing serial numbers of other machines, I think it's safe to assume it was built in 1955 or 1956. EDIT: After dusting off my research, I did find a few documented examples without stamped dates.

Photo 1:

Comments: Front
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Photo 2:

Comments: Dateless badge
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