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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Walker-Turner Co., Inc.
Jersey City, NJ; Plainfield, NJ

True Manufacturer:
Walker-Turner Co., Inc., Jersey City, NJ; Plainfield, NJ
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery & Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size: 15", 1/3hp
Submitted By: Jeff Wheeler
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Drill Press, 15" D 705
Date of Manufacturer: 1935
Serial Number:
Last Updated 9/17/2024 10:23:07 PM

Edit to add model no.
Purchased 20 minutes south of Skaneateles, NY. Seller didn't have any history, the press was in the barn when they purchased the property. Interesting no WT badge, and the Green Band motor was painted black and cream. I saw another press like this on FB listed in the the same general area (Finger Lakes)I wonder if they came out of the same showroom 90+ yrs. ago!
I would like to use this in the shop for a dedicated task, I hope to clean it up, leaving the paint in an as is condition, address the wiring, brighten the clear metal a little and re-grease the bearings.

If this press has a proper model number, please send me a msg.

Photo 1:

Comments: Badgeless, SKF decal
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Photo 2:

Comments: return housing
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Photo 3:

Comments: early version of 'ships wheel'
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Photo 4:

Comments: spindle oiler
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Photo 5:

Comments: power switch
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Photo 6:

Comments: It is my opinion all paint was factory applied
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