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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Millers Falls Co.
Millers Falls, MA; New York, NY; Greenfield, MA; Cincinnati, OH

True Manufacturer:
Millers Falls Co., Millers Falls, MA; New York, NY; Greenfield, MA; Cincinnati, OH
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size:
Submitted By: Jeff Joslin
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: No. 20 Universal hand drill press
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number:
Last Updated 6/17/2019 2:39:39 PM

This little item is the property of member Clarence Gibbs; I'm posting this on his behalf.

First photo shows the mystery item. Looks like a table-clamp drill press, but no chuck and no rotating spindle. Marked as "Millers Falls", with a 2/6/1900 patent date for which we could only find a Millers Falls breast-drill patent (#642,965). The second image, which is from a Millers Falls catalog, reveals all: the bracket near the top left of the first photo holds a breast drill to create a small but full-featured hand-powered drill press. Both the 1904 and 1925 catalogs, available on this site under the Publications tab for Millers Falls Co., show this drill press.

Photo 1:

Source: Clarence Gibbs
Direct Link
IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Catalog cut (prob. 1925 catalog)
Source: via Clarence Gibbs
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IMG Code