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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
F. S. Perkins Co.
Lowell, MA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Wood
Machine Size: 24" x 107" ctr-to-ctr
Submitted By: Dave Potts
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Pattern Lathe
Date of Manufacturer: pre-1900
Serial Number:
Last Updated 6/9/2005 3:59:46 PM

Frequent oogling of the Exfactory big-top introduced me to this maker's beautiful pattern lathe. Calls were made, maesurements and maps exchanged, and decisions were about to be made. The machine was located in NH, had some tooling with it, and had an asking price of $1700. All of these were positives. Demands from work, the winter weather, diminishing shop space, and several other issues all caused me to back off and by February of 2005 the lathe was sold...... oh well.

Very little information has been found about this maker and perhaps a road-trip to Lowell's library's local history room will yield some more.

Photo 1:

Comments: What a beauty, stem to stearn!
Source: Exfactory
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IMG Code

Photo 2:

Comments: Graceful, yet rugged!
Source: Exfactory
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IMG Code

Photo 3:

Comments: the F.S. Perkins builder's tag
Source: Exfactory
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IMG Code