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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Greensboro, NC

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size: 24"
Submitted By: Barry Stup
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: S-600 Facer
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number:
Last Updated 7/16/2016 11:24:24 AM

The S-600 was Whitneys Facer, their answer to the Porter 715.
This unit ran in a small plant in Mechanicsburg, PA.
Believe it was a straight knife machine; don't see the Quiet Cut tag.
Never owned this one.
Bottom head machine, essentially a power feed jointer, but for board face only.

Photo 1:

Comments: Feed head raised and lowered via hinging mechanism
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Photo 2:

Comments: Has a conventional four corner wedge bed assembly
Source: cmw
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Photo 3:

Comments: This one ran into a Powermatic Planer
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Photo 4:

Comments: Whitney built the belt conveyor to the planer
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Photo 5:

Comments: Probably a more maintenence prone design than the Porter, although we never operated one of these.
Source: cmw
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Photo 6:

Comments: Rubber feed belt. Not sure if Newman-Whitney supports these or not.
Source: cmw
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