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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Turner Manufacturing Co. (Wolverhampton)
Wolverhampton, England

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Grinder, Surface
Machine Size:
Submitted By: jordie field
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Pedestal grinder #7
Date of Manufacturer:
Serial Number: NONE NOTICED
Last Updated 8/18/2016 12:06:51 PM

I think this is British made...Their is a Lathe co. that makes auxiliary attachments very similar to this.

WELL: This little pedestal grinder was found in an estate sale in Deerfield Illinois today, so no history is known other than the garage contained three generations of tools. I checked this site for a maker or an example and I did not find one. I did not make an exhaustive search. It is marked "THE TURNER"...ORIGINALLY I THOUGHT IT WAS A "WALKER TURNER" (am not certain, infact I do not suspect it is). I am willing to bet that i will have an answer from someone looking at this listing by the end of the day. What is very very curious is the table has a micro adjust screw mechanism in thousandths and is hinged on other side. It also has sets or screws that appear to hold wheel covers that are missing. By the age of the motor, I would think this is very old. The small tool rest is precisely made as well. Grinder operates very smoothly. Any help identifying this machine would be helpful. I am posting this in the unknown category at this point. Anyway, a very interesting precision machine!!!!!

I cleaned the adjusting table top, and it has a very very fine radial grind pattern from center...in fact it is the finest I think I have ever seen. wheel that moves table up and down works beautifully, without any slop. A very early surface grinder.

[ADMIN NOTE 2016-08-18: Updated with manufacturer information.]

Photo 1:

Comments: 3/4 profile showing machine
Source: my i tool
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Photo 2:

Comments: Name cast into the base, and really heavy duty lift mechanism
Source: my i tool
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Photo 3:

Comments: precision lift mechanism with locking screws, used for flat grinding...very interesting
Source: my i tool
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Photo 4:

Comments: a better look at both the fine adjust table and table lift mechanism. The adjusting knob is broken,
Source: my i tool
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Photo 5:

Comments: before cleaning
Source: my i tool
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Photo 6:

Comments: #7 cast into the yoke that holds wheels and rabbit bearings
Source: my i tool
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