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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Walker-Turner Co., Inc.
Jersey City, NJ; Plainfield, NJ

True Manufacturer:
Walker-Turner Co., Inc., Jersey City, NJ; Plainfield, NJ
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Radial Arm Saw
Machine Size: 12 " 3 H.P. 3 Phase
Submitted By: Paul Decker
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: RA 1100?
Date of Manufacturer: 1943?
Serial Number: 23-243
Last Updated 3/20/2016 5:47:45 PM

I was able to pick up the WT RAS in NH not far from were I live . The person selling this RAS also sold me a Carey 12 inch Jointer and indicated that his father purchased both approx. 45 years ago and then placed them in their warehouse and covered them for the next 45 years until they decided it was time for inventory reduction. SN 23-243 12" 3450 Motor RPM Spindle 3000,Cycle 60, volts 220,
Amps 7.8, Frame 1278, H.P. 3, Phase 3, Motor US. Patent # 2236854, Canadian Patent #391285 Great Britian Patent # 537508 Motor SN# 531EC 1047745.
I am still researching if this WT is also a Metal Cutting unit need to research a little more.

Photo 1:

Comments: 12" Walker Turner RAS
Source: Photo Paul Decker Most Info Vintage Machinery
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