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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Hall & Brown Wood Working Machine Co.
St. Louis, MO

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Wood
Machine Size: 14'' swing 48'' capacity
Submitted By: steve blades
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: cabinet,pattern makers lathe
Date of Manufacturer: 1900's
Serial Number: none
Last Updated 8/12/2013 2:39:29 PM

I got this on craig's list for 200.00 the guy had it for yrs unknown before that. I found this one or similar in the 1904 catalog and most everything seems to be here. It has been converted to v-belt and electric I most likly will change it back at some point.

Photo 1:

Comments: the lathe was bought as a kit and you supplied the wood, this one is on 8' beams , 2 3/4'' x 9 1/2'' 48'' capacity
Source: my shop
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Photo 2:

Comments: the headstock wieghs 75lbs and has been converted to v belt I will be changing it back to flat belt at some point
Source: my shop
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Photo 3:

Comments: tailstock weighs 60lbs
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