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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Davis & Wells
Los Angeles, CA; Lynwood, CA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 20"
Submitted By: Reuben Deumling
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: 20
Date of Manufacturer: 1940s (est.)
Serial Number: 1514 (View SN Registry Entry)
Last Updated 5/11/2013 12:39:32 AM

Complete, no breaks, it appears well cared for. As others have noted, everything on these is heavy.
Table: 90 lbs
Front guard: 70 lbs
Top wheel assembly: ~38 lbs
Frame with bottom wheel: 360 lbs
Seems like the whole saw might weigh about 600 lbs.

Interestingly, although my saw's table (being the earlier variety) doesn't have a miter slot, the underside of the table casting reveals that they were anticipating the slot by thickening the table in that location.

Photo 1:

Comments: after unbolting everything, able to unload it by myself
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Photo 2:

Comments: at the seller's before disassembly
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Photo 3:

Comments: just the frame and bottom wheel
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Photo 4:

Comments: 17 bolts to remove everything: motor, starter, motor plate, door, top wheel, table, blade guard
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Photo 5:

Comments: blades!
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