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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Washburn Shops
Worcester, MA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Drill Press
Machine Size: 61/2 ft app.
Submitted By: ted hoganson
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: 61/2 ft tall drill press
Date of Manufacturer: I Dont Know
Serial Number:
Last Updated 4/18/2004 12:00:00 AM

recently aquired an old drill press made by the washburn shops.It
seems to be in working condition. Originaly I think it was run from a
drive shaft with a leather belt. Someone adapted it to be run with an
eletric motor mounted at the base. But it still uses a leather belt
from the base to the top. I also have an old metal lathe made by
W.F.& J barnes that has a patent date of 1880 . I would like to know
if anyone can tell me anything about either machine. I would also
like to find out about there value. I took a few pictures but don't
know how to add them. If anyone can help please send email thank you.
finaly figured out how to do pictures.

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