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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Duro Metal Products Co.
Chicago, IL.

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Jointer
Machine Size: 6"
Submitted By: Eduardo Fisher
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Jointer
Date of Manufacturer: ca. 1955
Serial Number:
Last Updated 3/9/2004 12:00:00 AM

The date of manufacture is a pure guess. I saw this jointer on eBay and I'm posting with the seller's permission. The ebay auction included the following information:

Serial# AG 1270 TE
16" long infeed table (7-1/2" wide with a 3" rabbiting arm)
17" outfeed table
1/2" rabbeting ledge
Machined Dovetail ways
Uses three 6" blades
The cutterhead is guarded on both sides of the fence.

The 30" fence is fully adjustable and is cranked forward / back by a gear. You turn the handle and the fence moves either way. Fence tilts 45 degrees in either direction. The fence will also move on an angle allowing You to make a shearing cut on wood where the grain has a tendency to lift. It produces a better finish and Your blades last longer.

There are two holes at the end of each table that were made to hold table extensions that would slide out,making the table 60" long. The handles that move the tables are not correct,and the one for the infeed table has a busted hanlde.

Photo 1:

Comments: Front view with what appears to be a factory original stand.
Source: eBay seller tikamann, with permission
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Photo 2:

Comments: Detail of the fence tilt and skew mechanism
Source: eBay seller tikamann, with permission
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