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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Heston & Anderson
Fairfield, IA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Band Saw
Machine Size: 12" Throat and 8-1/2" Resaw
Submitted By: Dan Grade
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: 12" Model 50 with Sliding Table
Date of Manufacturer: Late 1930's, Guestimated
Serial Number:
Last Updated 5/26/2011 8:52:04 PM

I have seen two of these Model 50 saws for sale now (on CL in various parts of the country), and have read a reference to a third in the "Garage Journal".
Since there were none of this model in the index, I am uploading photos of the pair that I have run across in order to add this model to the database. (The other Model 50 will be in a separate entry. It is shown with the frame of the sliding table off the saw, so the mechanism of the sliding table is more visible there.)
When I saw the first one with a sliding table, I took that to be some kind of shop modification. But three of these, all with sliding tables, argues that this was the standard factory table configuration for this saw. Notice also the factory base, which matches the "Floor Stand Base" listed with the 12" Model 11 saw in the 1936 catalog (see page 9).
Two of the parties who owned these reported using them for cutting wood. But the sliding table is reminiscent of a meat-cutting saw.
The logo matches that on the 1936 catalog.

Photo 1:

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Photo 2:

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Photo 3:

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Photo 6:

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