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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Millbury Machine Co.
Millbury, MA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Tenoning Machine
Machine Size: 3 station/4 spindle
Submitted By: Thom Houser
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: tenoner #LT-112
Date of Manufacturer: 1950?
Serial Number:
Last Updated 8/14/2005 8:48:54 PM

Just bought this machine from a dealer in Or. It has a varitey of odd accessories for the spindles plus the long rails. The single cope spindle has 4" under the nut for stacking cope cutters.

It has been 17 months since I recieved the machine and while other than dust hook up shrouds nothing has been done although it has cut the tenons for 21 entry doors, 6 kitchens worth of panel doors and face frames, 7 dinning tables and 46 chairs. While the Millbury looks a bit lacking it works better than alot of the others.

Our profile grinder works perfect on the tenon heads grinding a hollow grind on the heads then kissing by hand with a diamond stone. We have only had to touch up the heads 3 time so far.

Photo 1:

Comments: Front view at dealer/ shows extra long table rails
Source: Dealer
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Photo 2:

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Photo 3:

Comments: 17 months of work later
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