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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Delta Specialty/Delta Mfg. Co./Delta-Rockwell/Rockwell Intl.
Milwaukee, WI; Jackson, TN; Tupelo, MS

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Jig or Scroll Saw
Machine Size: 16 in
Submitted By: Gary Brown
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Scroll saw
Date of Manufacturer: ?
Serial Number: S7396 (View SN Registry Entry)
Last Updated 8/29/2010 10:29:27 AM

I picked up this saw wile on a road trip to pick up a jointer and a belt sander. I was not looking for a 16in scroll saw, but when i seen the CL pic showing the light that i here is hard to come by i thought it was worth a look. It also has a pretty cool looking Hoover 1/6 hp motor. The guy only was asking $100. so i thought that wasn't to bad. When i picked it up i was very happy to see it being in nicer shape than the CL photo showed. But i could use some help on the year. Can someone help me with the year. ser S7396

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