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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Hermance Machine Co.
Williamsport, PA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Tenoning Machine
Machine Size: 4 head
Submitted By: Kirk Poore
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Large flat belt
Date of Manufacturer: Early 1900's
Serial Number: none
Last Updated 1/9/2010 4:44:02 PM

As seen at Dave Stine's shop. Babbitt & flat belt machine with a single 5 hp. The table is wide enough and with a long enough stroke that a 36" workpiece can be tenoned/coped on a single pass. It came with many cope heads, including several Shimer heads.

Photo 1:

Comments: Front view
Source: My camera with owner's permission
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Photo 2:

Comments: End view of table. Rails are over 60" long. Cope countershaft to the right.
Source: My camera with owner's permission
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Photo 3:

Comments: Cope heads and other tooling. To the upper right are Shimer heads.
Source: My camera with owner's permission
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