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1890 article - 32-inch back gear drill |
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1890-08-16 The Age of Steel |
Insert Date: |
1/29/2014 8:47:58 AM |
32-Inch Back Gear Drill.
The cut shown herewith represents a 32-inch back gear and power feed drill with patent sliding head and all modern improvements, manufactured by E A. Schumacher, Cincinnati, O. The drill is 8½ feet high, column is 8 inches in diameter and braced strongly to prevent any spring by heavy drilling. The patent quick return is acknowledged the best. The spindle is of steel, 1 11-16 in diameter, and counterbalanced by weight in column and bored to lit No. 4 Morse taper. Rack is cut from the solid steel. Bevel gears and pinion are cut from the solid. The drill swings 82 Inches. Table is 26 inches in diameter. The sliding bead and spindle are balanced and fastened with eccentric lever. Greatest distance from base to end of spindle 56 inches. From table to end of spindle 56 inches. The back gear is thrown in and out instantly by lever—easy to reach and superior to all others. Cone pulleys have four changes—smallest 6 inches, largest 12 inches in diameter for 3-inch belt. Tight and loose pulleys are 12 inches in diameter for 3-inch belt, and should run 160 revolutions. All lock bolts have lever attached. Weight of drill 2,500 pounds.
For additional information address E. A. Schumacher, manufacturer, P. O. box 257, office and wareroom No. 181 West Fourth street, Cincinnati, O. Works at Aurora, Ind. |