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Manufactured By:
Safety Vapor Engine Co.
New York, NY

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Title: 1893 Article-Safety Vapor Engine Co., Vertical Gas Engine
Source: Cassier's Magazine Jun 1893, pg. 146 & Proceedings of the American Gas Institute, V 10 #2, Apr 1894, Appendix pg. 67
Insert Date: 3/9/2014 9:31:03 PM

Image Description:
The Safety Vapor engine, first appearing on the Pacific slope" in 1891, but now handled by the Safety Vapor Engine Co., of 16 Murray St., New York, is, as may be seen from the cut, one of the small conventional vertical type generally similar to the Foos and others.

The cycle is the Otto, with the cylinder above. The feature is a rotary disc or plate valve with but one opening in it, operated by a chain or link-belt from the shaft. This opening at the proper times in its rotation affords communication with the cylinder and the gas admission or the exhaust passages. Ignition is by electric battery and the use of a flexible electrode somewhat similar to the “ Pacific " device.

It is claimed for the valve that its action is positive and simple; that it is self-cleaning and wears to a seat with no leakage. The governor acts by belt from the shaft, reducing the gas supply or omitting altogether as may be required. The engine is built in sizes from ½ to 6 H. P. and may be used on gasoline. It is especially pushed as a good motor for small boats. It has not an expensive make up and for many purposes should prove a satisfactory form.
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1893 Safety Vapor Engine Co., Vertical Gas Engine
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